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Our Recent

MNRA pride itself in the campaigns it has undertaken whilst representing our community.


These have included issues within our immediate community together with issues affecting our wider area.  A number of our recent campaigns are highlighted on this page.

Oaklands Grange footpaths



In collaboration with Sandridge Parish Council, Marshalswick North Residents' Association have agreed with Taylor Wimpey to provide a footpath from the corner of the development site (part of phase 3 work) to connect up with Central Drive adjacent to Oakwood School.  The footpath within Oaklands Grange project is now complete and MNRA are working with our District Councillor to secure the path through the school playing field with an exit onto Central Drive.


This will enable residents of Oaklands Grange and other local residents to access Oakwood and Beaumont schools on foot without have to travel down to the Sandpit Lane traffic lights.

School Footpath.JPG
Sandpit Lane Footpath

Again, working with our County Councillor, we have ensured that Taylor Wimpey construct a footpath and cycle route along the boundary of their site to connect up with the existing pavement to the south side of Sandpit Lane.


Currently, November 2021, we are still waiting for the path lighting to be connected.  We are also liaising with Highways to improve the finish to the soil banks which are poorly supported allowing mud to run-off during heavy rain.



MNRA have commented on the Boundary Commission proposals for the St. Albans parliamentary constituency.  We have objected to the exclusion of Jersey Farm from the constituency.  


Our full response to the Boundary Commission can be viewed here.

2021 Marshalswick North Ward Map 1.png

The proposed Symondshyde development is immediately on the border of our Parish and an important area for recreation including, walking, cycling and horse riding.  The proposed development would remove 195 acres of Green Belt land cutting a swathe between Hartfield, St. Albans and Wheathampstead with the development only accessed by narrow country roads and minimal infrastructure to support.

2021-10 Simonshyde image.jpg

We have been informed by the ‘Save Symondshyde’ group that, despite the Planning Inspector having significant reservations about including Symondshyde as a development site within the Welwyn Hatfield Council Local Plan, many of the Councillors are changing their position towards support of this development .


A meeting that was due to be held in November to decide the fate of Symondshyde was cancelled without good reason. It will now take place on the 13th January (with follow-up meetings on 18th January (cabinet) and 27th January (Full council). We can’t participate in their zoom meeting and no members of the public are allowed to participate or attend, but it can be viewed via webcam and we would urge you to follow it.


The council are now proposing that Symondshyde should remain in the plan, in its even larger form of 1500 houses, square in the middle of high value amenity Green Belt, with minimal existing road infrastructure, a settlement with no shops or services.

When local residents were asked to contact councillors about Symondshyde ahead of the meeting in October they did so admirably. We were so proud to hear of the ‘hundreds’ of calls and emails that councillors received. But we need you to do this again. Time is short, but please do write again to the Councillors below. It’s important because not only do we need to lobby their councillors but we may need to provide evidence that local people have spoken and were not listen to, in the event that we pursue a Judicial Review of the decision that will be made.

Councillor Samuel Kasumu: 01707 440539 
Councillor Stephen Boulton: 01707 655999 
Councillor Glyn Hayes: 07757 935412 
Councillor Alastair Hellyer: 07917673433 
Councillor Steve McNamara: 07719 696224 
Councillor George Michaelides: 01707 644221 
Councillor Russ Platt: 01707 532531 
Councillor Jane Quinton: 07528 367303 
Councillor Drew R Richardson: 07555 499685 
Councillor Ayesha Rohale: 07742 108849 
Councillor Pankit Shah: 07763 728383 
Councillor Craig Stanbury:  01707 650527 
Please, help us by contacting them before the meeting. Explain to them that you think the development of up to 1500 houses in the middle of valuable Green Belt is unsustainable, it does not enhance any existing community. 

All it will do is carve out a huge area of highly prized Green Belt land, and result in a significant increase in traffic by what will amount to a ‘dormitory settlement’ with continual travelling in and out by 3000 cars for services, shopping, schooling and entertainment. Worse still it will serve to break open a large area of Green Belt allowing Hatfield to sprawl towards Welwyn Garden City, St Albans and Wheathampstead.


Full details, including contact details for committee members can be found on the following link.

Symondshyde Development

Ellenbrook Quarry

A public enquiry has now closed into the Brett Aggregates original application for a quarry on Ellenbrook Fields (rear of Notcutts).  The following is the summary prepared by Ellenbrook Residents' Association in objection to the application.


Ellenbrook Fields was promised to us as a country park and not an area to be avoided for the next 32 years. The need for openness, recreation, and clean air for the people of Hatfield and St Albans cannot be underestimated.


We reiterate that:


  • The bromate is too close to the dig site


  • The dig site is too close to residential areas


  • The timescales are too long


  • There is too high a risk to the public water supplies


  • The green belt is too precious to be destroyed


  • The risk to our health and wellbeing is too high



The evidence is too strong to refute, the negative impact on residents is far reaching and long term, please refuse this appeal.



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