Watch this space
Welcome to Marshalswick North Residents' Association
We are local residents who have formed a non-political formal association to work with and on behalf of residents in this neighbourhood. We want to know what matters to you. Communities which share common goals and aspirations are more effective in improving their environment and quality of life.
The map shows the boundary of Marshalswick North. As a result of changes brought in by the Boundary Commission in 2022, the Marshalswick area has been split between two District Council wards, with streets east of Sherwood Avenue joining Jersey Farm in Marshalswick East & Jersey Farm Ward and streets west of Sherwood Avenue joining the area south of Marshalswick Lane in Marshalswick West Ward. We believe that we share a community identity within the Marshalswick area, centred on The Quadrant. Despite these changes to ward boundaries, MNRA intends to continue to serve the whole of the Marshalswick area and to retain the title Marshalswick North Residents' Association. If you live within the area or within neighbouring streets, we would like to welcome you as a member of the Association.
Our Aims and Objectives
1. Make our community a nicer place to live in by:
• Keeping members informed, giving and sharing information on issues of local relevance
• Providing opportunities for members to feel more part of our local community by making new social contacts
• Giving members a voice, representing local wishes and views on consultations and applications
• Signposting members as to how to set about resolving issues with local services
2. To be inclusive and support members from all political persuasions, genders, nationality, ethnicity, age, disability and social groups.
3. To consult and work with other organisations for the benefit of the wider local community.
4. Maintain a non-political stance whilst dealing with local issues.
5. To work for and promote a safe community.
Your Community, Your Voice
The committee have reviewed the Aims and Objectives currently within our constitution and wish to bring them more in line with the developing ethos of the association. It is our intention to seek members opinions on the changed wording and seek to amend the constitution at the next Annual General Meeting.
Annual General Meeting
and talk by local police
Tuesday 6th December 2022
All members are cordially invited to the Marshalswick North Residents’ Association (MNRA) annual general meeting to be held at St. Mary Church Hall, Sherwood Avenue on Tuesday 6th December 2022 starting at 8.00pm.
We will follow the AGM with a chat from PCSO Chris Stokes who will give advice on ‘Staying Safe at Christmas’. Chris will also be available to answer questions about general policing in the Marshalswick area.
Our area is constantly changing with pressures from large scale future development, inappropriate infill development, loss of precious green spaces within our area and loss of essential shops and services locally. MNRA aims to be a community voice ensuring that our politicians and officers at Parish, District, County and national level are aware of community views. To have an effective voice, we need a strong Association. Thank you for supporting our Association.
Wine, soft drinks and snacks will be provided after the presentation which will give members a chance to socialise, meet the committee and generally catch up with your neighbours.
Latest News
Crime Figures for Marshalswick
We have been provided with the following crime figures which show the level of reported crime during the last year. Again it shows that Marshalswick is a low crime area.
There are however consistent high levels of Anti-Social Behaviour and Violence & Sexual offences. An increase in 'other thefts' includes handling stolen goods & theft from a motor vehicle.
For comparison, a copy of the October 2021 crime figures may be found via the link below.
Ellenbrook Quarry
Interested in local open spaces for walking?
This is an update on the long running mineral extraction planning applications to Herts County Council for quarrying on a site next to Notcutts off Hatfield Road. Strong objections have been made against these applications by the local residents’ associations (Ellenbrook and Smallford) on various grounds, including the large amount of mineral quarrying already taking place in the neighbourhood and the fact that the site owners have failed to implement a previous Section 106 planning agreement to set up a Trust to establish a Country Park at Ellenbrook.
This site is easily accessible to walkers and cyclists from the southerly part of Marshalswick. MNRA has supported the objections and lodged its own relating to factors such as increased HGV traffic through our area. Quarrying would take most of this site out of public use for some 30 years and there has been no movement on the enforcement of the establishment of the Country Park Trust.
The first quarry application was refused by Herts County Council. The applicant Brett Aggregates, appealed against the decision. Following a Public Enquiry in the Autumn of 2021, the appeal was turned down.
Meanwhile, Brett made a second, slightly modified, planning application running alongside the first. This application has not yet been considered by Herts County Council. MNRA, and at least one of our members, made objections to this application - see link below for all documents about this application.
Latest Developments
Herts County Council has written to Brett Aggregates, asking for more information. Their letter is on the website link below. The letter raises many of the issues behind the refusal of their first application. It is not expected that the application will go before the Development Control (Planning) Committee before September 2022.
There have been some developments over the Country Park. The three Councils involved consider that the Section 106 agreement is still enforceable and are in negotiations with the owners, Arlington. For fuller details see the most recent letter from April 2022 on the Ellenbrook Residents Association website:
The full planning application on the Hertfordshire County Council website may be found via the button below.
Quadrant External Seating
Update on external seating at the Quadrant. Following the tremendous support for the idea, the traders on The Ridgeway opposite the library are drafting up a proposal to submit to the management company for a more permanent external seating area. We will keep you posted on progress.
We are delighted at the response to our comments on Facebook and will ensure that our Facebook page is kept up to date on progress with this lovely community asset.
Success at Chalkdell Fields
What should be a grass strip opposite the houses on Chalkdell Fields had been allowed to be overrun by brambles. Having approached our local councillors we are pleased to report that St. Albans District Council have brought the area back to amenity grass.
Street Parties
Street Party for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
We are very pleased that 10 street parties were held within Marshalswick over the Platinum Jubilee Weekend. Many of these were arranged following the presentation hosted by MNRA by 'My Street Party' who were able to provide guidance on applying for and running an annual street party.
Buxton Close Street Party
Sherwood Avenue Street Party