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Marshalswick Library
New Strategy and Challenges Post Covid.

7:30 p.m. Tuesday 28th March 2023
Marshalswick Community Centre

Ian Dignum, the Marshalswick Library Manager will give an illustrated talk on how the library has coped following the Covid pandemic and talk about their exciting new strategy to maintain our excellent local library service.
As a Band 2 library, Marshalswick is the busiest library of its size in Hertfordshire.  It is also an important social hub within Marshalswick.
Tea & coffee will be served after the talk which will give you a chance to meet up with other local members and to chat informally with Ian.Free entry to members. 

Guided Tour of Redbournbury Mill

Wednesday 5th April 2023 2 p.m.

We are delighted that after a break of several years, Mandy James, the owner of Redbournbury Mill has agreed to give a personal guided tour of the mill.  As the mill is so busy producing flour and baking delicious breads & cakes, it is unlikely that they will be open for public tours in the near future.  So, this is a unique opportunity to visit and learn more about its history, restoration and current use of the Mill.

The tour will be on Wednesday 5th April commencing at 2.00pm.  Attendance will be limited to a maximum of 20 people.  Adults only and everyone must be fit and able to climb 4 floors via steep timber ladder style stairs.  The cost will be £5.00 per person with places allocated on a 1st come basis.

If you would like a place (maximum 2 places per household) please email to reserve a place.

Hatfield Aerodrome - Update

Updated 22nd Feb 2023

Please find below the letter to the Herts County Council Planning Department concerning the application for the Hatfield Aerodrome from 24th Jan 2023. This lists a number of issues that the association wants to highlight to the council. Please have a read and let us know if you have any questions or issue. 

Marshalswick Crime Figures

We are grateful to Nick Bishop who provided the following data via Neighbourhood Watch.  A full set of data can be found on the link below, but in summary:-


  • The total number of crimes in Marshalswick North were roughly level over the 12 months since November 2020.

  • Anti-Social Behaviour were the largest group of crimes reported followed by Violence and sexual offences.

  • Drug offences were not often reported with no reports in 7 of the 12 months.


Do have a look at the figures for yourself.

Ellenbrook Quarry

Since 2016, Brett Aggregates have been trying to get permission from Herts County Council for a quarry, to be worked for over 30 years next door to Notcutts Garden Centre on the Hatfield Road. (See map below.) MNRA has been supporting neighbouring residents’ associations in Smallford and Ellenbrook in objecting to the quarry, which would destroy the space which is supposed to be a public country park.

2021-10 Ellenbrook Map.JPG

Luton Airport Expansion

So far, one application has been refused by Herts County Council, as it would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt. There are also significant concerns about the impact the quarry would have on the groundwater. The applicant appealed this decision, and the hearing is scheduled for 16th November onwards.


Meanwhile the applicant has put in a revised application. The application has also been referred to St Albans District Council on a ‘Consultation’ basis, as much of the land is within our Council’s boundary. Comments are due in to St Albans Council by 12th November and, at least as importantly, to Herts County Council by 18th November.  


What impact might this quarry and the applicants have on Marshalswick?


There are two obvious potential impacts on our area:

  • An increase in HGV vehicle movements in the local area, particularly if they decide to turn right out of the site and use Sandpit Lane/Marshalswick Lane or House Lane/Sandringham Crescent.

  • A decrease in the ‘Green Belt’ space between Hatfield and St Albans and a reduction in the future open spaces for the public to walk in. (There is a complicated history involving the landowners, Arlington, and Brett Aggregates, but basically, previous commitments to establish a Trust and the necessary funding to run Ellenbrook Country Park - a green space open to the public - after the quarrying activity is over, have never been honoured. The concern is that, if the appeal or the new application are granted without Arlington having made the necessary sizeable financial deposit and undertakings, the Country Park will never happen, and housing will be built on the area. This will be an important part of MNRA’s response.)


There have also been major concerns about quarrying disturbing ‘the bromate plume’ – toxic pollution originally caused by an industry in Sandridge village, but which has over the years spread across the area and reached underground water in this vicinity.


Send in your comments?

The hyperlinks below take you to a) the St Albans Council planning application and b) the Herts County Council planning application where you can express your views.



MNRA is objecting to the application and, were the planning application to be granted despite this, to suggest planning conditions that could help to mitigate the concerns. available on our website. 


A copy of our objections may be viewed on the following links

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