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Local Plan

 Big year coming up for planning!


What is a Local Plan?


A Local Plan sets out the vision for future development in a District council area. Local Plans are used to help decide on planning applications and other planning related decisions and shape future infrastructure. Every area should have one in place, and having one that is out-of-date, like St Albans, can make it easier for developers to win appeals against planning application refusals.  


Where is St Albans’ Local Plan process up to?


As you probably know, two previous attempts at a new Local Plan were found wanting for various reasons. The Council is still at a relatively early stage in developing the next version. MNRA, along with other local representative organisations, were briefed on progress back in December 2021. A summary account of progress dating from January 2022 can be found here.




The slides from the December presentation are here if you wish to see them.




Gathering Evidence and drafting the Plan


If you want to keep up to date with what is happening, you can follow the meetings of the Local Plan Advisory Group (LPAG) here.




In early 2021, the Council issued a ‘call for sites’ when anyone can put forward potential sites for development (usually housing) as part of the Local Plan. In the case of St Albans, there was a massive response of over 200 suggested sites. The evidence for these is being sifted and a shorter list was put to the LPAG at its January meeting. The Council has to use national planning guidance and consult with neighbouring authorities when drawing up their Local Plan. They should also be using other planning information to tell them what local people want e.g. the Sandridge Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan.


How and when can we have our say?


The first big chance for public comment is when the Council issues a consultation document the Regulation 18 consultation). MNRA will try and keep you updated on developments. We intend to invite an SADC Planning Speaker to a public meeting around the time of the first draft consultation to give you the chance to raise queries and give feedback.


A new Local Plan for St Albans District Council will be in an active stage of development this year.

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