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Boundary Changes & Community Governance Review

Ward Boundaries Map.png

You may know that electoral ward boundaries changed in early 2022.  This affected the last District Council elections this May.  As a result of the changes brought in by the Boundary Commission, the Marshalswick area has been split between two wards, with streets east of Sherwood Avenue/Skys Wood Road joining Jersey Farm in Marshalswick East & Jersey Farm Ward and streets west of Sherwood Avenue/Skys Wood Road joining the area south and west of Marshalswick Lane in Marshalswick West Ward.  See map below.

Ward Boundary Changes

Despite these changes to ward boundaries, MNRA intends to continue to serve the same area as it does now. We believe that we share a community identity, and that our area, centred in The Quadrant, is unnaturally divided by the new boundary up Sherwood Avenue.   For now, therefore, we intend to retain the title Marshalswick North Residents’ Association.  Similarly, we understand that Jersey Farm Residents’ Association does not intend to change the area it serves.

St. Albans Community Governance Review Consultation

St. Albans District Council have decided to conduct a Community Governance Review (CGR) because it is good practice to carry one out every 10-15 years. The purpose of the review is to enable the Council to consider what, if any, changes are needed to parish council/town council arrangements.

The review will consider the whole of the St Albans City and District area. The district currently has 8 parish councils and 1 town council. The review will consider whether the community governance arrangements across the district are fit for purpose. It will take account of areas of new or proposed housing and determine whether changes to existing boundaries are required because of these developments. 

The review will also consider;

●         whether to ward unwarded parishes, including whether to create new parish council(s) or make changes to existing parish arrangements.

●        any other community governance related proposals that may arise during the review.

A copy of MNRA response to the review can be viewed via the following link.

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