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Annual General Meeting & Talk on reducing speed limits

Thank you to those who attended our AGM on 11th October.  We hope we were able to keep you up to date in what your committee have been doing of behalf of our community during the last year. 


We lost three long standing committee members who we thank for their commitment over the years.  We were also pleased to welcome Debbie Chachulski onto the committee.


A copy of the draft minutes of the meeting may be found on the link below.

Please note that you will need Microsoft Publisher to view the presentation

Following the formal AGM, we had a talk from Colin Hodges, the St. Albans representative of 20sPlenty - a pressure group working to promote a reduced speed limit in built-up areas with direct interface with walkers, children, cyclists and the like.  A stimulating discussion followed.


Copies of notes taken during the talk together with Colin's slide presentation may be viewed via the links below.

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